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Urban Renewal
Gresham Redevelopment Commission Advisory Committee
About the GRDCAC
Advises the Gresham Redevelopment Commission (GRDC) on the implementation of urban renewal plans. Members are appointed to three-year terms and must be electors residing within the City of Gresham. Insofar as possible, candidates who are residents of the Rockwood-West Gresham Urban Renewal Area (URA) shall receive preference in appointment.
The GRDCAC is a seven-member committee. All seven members also serve as the seven citizen members of the 14-member GRDC Budget Committee (GRDCBC). The GRDCBC holds a public meeting once yearly in April or May to approve the GRDC's proposed budget for the URA for the upcoming fiscal year.
GRDCAC bylaws
- The GRDCAC meets as needed on the second Wednesday of the month at 6:00 pm, subject to change.
- Meetings are currently held online via Zoom.
- Meeting agendas and related materials are posted on this page approximately one week before the meeting.
How to participate
See meeting agendas below for complete details on how to participate in GRDCAC meetings.
Zoom link and call-in numbers
- Join the webinar online
- Passcode: aZM2TU11h7
- Or one-tap mobile: US: +12532158782,,83106272675#,,,,*4632237382# or +16699006833,,83106272675#,,,,*4632237382#
- Or telephone: US: +1 253 215 8782 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 213 338 8477 or +1 646 876 9923
- Webinar ID: 831 0627 2675
- Passcode: 4632237382
Contact us
For more information contact Johntae Ivory at Johntae.Ivory@GreshamOregon.gov or 503-618-2473.
Meeting agendas and minutes
Committee members, Councilor Dina DiNucci and City staff will tour the Rockwood neighborhood.
The May 8 meeting was canceled.
The Nov. 8 meeting was canceled.